The Save Funeral Costs blog

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Stay informed and save money with the latest posts from the Save Funeral Costs blog. Full of helpful tips and practical advice to make low-cost funeral planning a reality and less stressful.

Coffin in a hearse

Find out what the latest funeral trends are.

Old stone cross in graveyard

Cost-saving funeral advice from Down to Earth by Quaker Social Action.

White marble round headstone

Discover Low-Cost TDM Funeral Services without compromising the quality.

Writing a death notice

Discover the importance of leaving a death notice.

Old English memorial cross

Learn about the changes in English headstone designs between 1714 – 2000.

Champagne being poured into glasses

Worried about organising a funeral wake? Learn how to how to make it a success.

Old stone cross in grass

How do funerals 100 years ago compare to modern day?

Piggy bank with coins

Discover money saving funeral tips during the cost of living crisis.

Winifred Mary Letts

Alive, a funeral poem by Irish poet Winifred Mary Letts.

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SW Barratt
Founder: SW Barratt

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